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The competition "Chemie – die stimmt!" - literally translated "Chemistry – that's right on!" - is open to high school students from grade eight to ten.


Who can participate?

The competition is present in fourteen out of sixteen federal states of Germany. Except students from Bavaria and Hesse, every teenager in Germany who are in grade nine or ten are able to take part in this competition. Furthermore, students from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia can start this competition as an eight-grader.


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How does the competition work?

The competition consists of three selection rounds:

1st Round

Problems of the first round are expected to be solved at home. Until the end of November, the students have to hand in the answers to their chemistry teachers. Some schools conduct this round as compulsory competition.

2nd Round

The best participants of the 1st round are invited to the statewide 2nd round, consisting of a three-hour-exam and a subsequent scientific talk.

3rd Round

Students from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia compete in Merseburg, whereas those from Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein are meeting in Rostock. Münster will host the competition for students from Bremen, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate und dem Saarland.

The 3rd round demands both theoretical and practical skills. It consists of an exam and challenging laboratory tasks. Laboratory workspace is provided by the Agrobiotechnikum Groß-Lüsewitz (Rostock) and the project "Chemie zum Anfassen" at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. A cultural and entertaining program is provided throughout the participants' stay. In Münster, students are able to do some exciting experiments in training lab from BASF Coating GmbH in collaboration with the University of Münster.

4th Round

Since 2017, the competition has been expanded to an additional final stage on a federal level. 24 students will be invited to meet in Leipzig where they are able to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge about chemistry and laboratory skills in three exams. Besides the exams, participants can listen to interesting talks about science and enjoy short trips during the four days.


What can you win?

For those excelling in the 2nd and 3rd round, valuable book prices can be awarded. In the final stage of this competition winners can expect to get some glassware or a microscope.

Additionally, actively participating schools have every year a chance to win attractive prize ("Schulsonderpreise") for their chemistry unit. More information can be found on the German homepage of this competition.